WUF12 insights | leveraging local data and action for resilient urban recovery

2 December 2024

IMPACT Initiatives participated in the 12th World Urban Forum (WUF12) from 4th to 8th November 2024, in Cairo, which brought together more than 25,000 urban experts from all over the world. Organized by UN-Habitat, the forum is a premier platform to inform and support sustainable development for cities, emphasizing local action for sustainable cities, gathering local governments, policymakers, IOs and NGOs, researchers, CSOs and community representatives. IMPACT Initiatives was honoured to share its expertise as a data-driven, research-based organisation, advocating for the central role of data in the operationalisation of the humanitarian-development continuum, filling the gap between immediate relief and long-term urban recovery efforts.   

Since 2011, IMPACT Initiatives has expanded its data collection and research in urban settings, providing localised data on the needs and challenges of crisis-affected communities to support the decision-making and policy processes of humanitarian, development and local actors. At WUF12, we participated in three panels and closely followed discussions on humanitarian roles in urban recovery, identifying three critical findings to guide our future work. 

  • Data is a critical tool for local actors’ empowerment: enhancing accessibility, understanding, and ownership of urban level data is essential for enabling communities to make informed decisions and advocate for their needs. By ensuring meaningful engagement and inclusion in the research process, and localised data systems, local actors are empowered to make informed decisions. This approach fosters a culture of locally driven planning and resilience, shifting from planning for to planning with communities. 
  • Urban solutions to displacement must be inclusive: with more displaced people living in urban and peri-urban areas, programs must adapt to cities’ nuances. This means supporting the unique dynamics of urban displacement that address needs, leverage local strengths, and prioritise displaced affected communities’ agency, without overlooking the role of city leaders in defining solutions to urban displacement. 
  • Localization goals can be achieved through the settlement approach: the settlement approach aligns closely with the localization agenda by empowering local authorities, fostering community ownership, and bridging humanitarian and development needs. By engaging local actors in planning and implementation, it builds sustainable, inclusive solutions tailored to community needs. This approach strengthens local capacity, enabling communities to lead in resilience-building and sustainable urban development. 

Moving forward, IMPACT Initiatives will continue to leverage its capacity, field presence, and expertise to mainstream the settlement approach across these thematic areas. We are committed to increasing engagement with local actors and communities, ensuring the voices of affected populations and the strategic visions of local stakeholders are organically included in development planning. By building synergies with local partners, IMPACT aims to further empower communities to play an active, leading role in shaping resilient, sustainable urban futures. 

Discover Our Urban Footprint
Explore how IMPACT Initiatives has supported urban responses with localized data, empowering communities and stakeholders in urban recovery efforts: 

  • Herat, Afghanistan. The research findings have been used to participatory develop Community Response Plans (CRPs), to orient partners’ interventions in the neighbourhood according to community prioritisation. 
  • Pouytenga, Burkina Faso. The research informed the co-development of a vulnerability monitoring tool in collaboration with local authorities in Pouytenga, specifically designed to guide their future planning and resource allocation efforts. 
  • Sinjar, Iraq. Gathering detailed information on service provision and household needs and vulnerabilities in areas of return, this city profile was crucial to inform the Area Based Coordination’s planning in Sinjar district under the Durable Solution Technical Working Group.