IMPACT Initiatives is a humanitarian NGO, based in Geneva, Switzerland. The organisation manages several initiatives, including the REACH Initiative. The IMPACT team comprises specialists in data collection, management and analysis, GIS and remote sensing. IMPACT was launched at the initiative of ACTED, an international NGO with headquarters based in Paris and presence in thirty countries. The two organizations have a strong complementarity formalized in a global partnership, which allows IMPACT to benefit from ACTED’s operational support in its fields of intervention. National contracts for IMPACT-dedicated staff are formally with ACTED.
Position: (Senior) Assessment Officer
Contract duration: 6 months
Starting Date: 1 October 2024
Location: Kampala, Uganda
Deadline to apply: 25th September 2024
Uganda is currently hosting close to 1.7 million refugees and asylum seekers, the largest number in the region. Most have fled civil unrest and conflicts in neighbouring countries of South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Somalia, and Burundi. Refugee flows into Uganda are likely to continue due to ongoing conflicts, violent wars, unrest and human rights violations in neighbouring countries. The vast majority of refugees are hosted in settlements in 12 refugee-hosting districts in northern and mid/south-western Uganda, while 5% of them reside in urban Kampala.
In Uganda, the response coordination is held by UNHCR and by the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM). The Uganda government, in coordination with the humanitarian partners, has granted a welcoming policy for all asylum seekers. The asylum seekers, once registered as refugees, receive a piece of land in one of the refugee settlements and a monthly general food assistance from WFP. In the past years Uganda has been affected by a general decreasing of humanitarian funds that have triggered a prioritization of the humanitarian assistance.