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Colombia | Expanding Cash-Based Interventions in Conflict-Affected Areas: The Case for Feasibility Studies
Colombia | Expanding Cash-Based Interventions in Conflict-Affected Areas: The Case for Feasibility Studies

Country news

Colombia | Expanding Cash-Based Interventions in Conflict-Affected Areas: The Case for Feasibility Studies

In regions impacted by armed conflict, cash-based interventions offer a vital means of delivering flexible and dignified assistance to populations affected by displacement, restricted mobility, and forced confinement. Indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities who inhabit the areas face the brunt of these challenges. In response, the MIRE+ consortium aims to expand cash-based interventions to better deliver […]

Colombia | Socio-economic vulnerability of the Venezuelan refugee and migrant population seeking to stay in Colombia 
Colombia | Socio-economic vulnerability of the Venezuelan refugee and migrant population seeking to stay in Colombia 

Country news

Colombia | Socio-economic vulnerability of the Venezuelan refugee and migrant population seeking to stay in Colombia 

IMPACT, through its initiative REACH, published an analysis of the socioeconomic vulnerability of the Venezuelan refugee and migrant population seeking to stay in Colombia, based on Grupo Interagencial sobre Flujos Migratorios Mixtos seventh round of the Needs Assessment and in partnership with the Cash Working Group (CWG). It concluded that more than half of the households […]