REACH report Now the Forest is Blocked report in Living memory of famine in South Sudan: using local knowledge to inform famine early warning in Humanitarian Practice Network
Humanitarian access remains severely constrained in many of the most at-risk areas of South Sudan. Given this difficult operating environment, and with an eye on the 2018 lean season – the period of the year when hunger is typically most severe – REACH+sought to contribute to a better understanding of famine risk in South Sudan.
October 9, 2018
REACH report Now the Forest is Blocked report in Living memory of famine in South Sudan: using local knowledge to inform famine early warning in Humanitarian Practice Network
Humanitarian access remains severely constrained in many of the most at-risk areas of South Sudan. Given this difficult operating environment, and with an eye on the 2018 lean season – the period of the year when hunger is typically most severe – REACH+sought to contribute to a better understanding of famine risk in South Sudan.
October 9, 2018