Code of Conduct

IMPACT Code of Conduct is core to the organisation, its team, operations and management. The Code of Conduct provides clear guidance on the standards of behaviour and conduct all staff are required to abide by. Those standards are as follows:

  1. I will respect others
  2. I will maintain high standards of conduct, both personal and professional
  3. I will commit to protect IMPACT’s beneficiaries
  4. I will ensure to be attentive to the safety & security of myself & others
  5. I will protect IMPACT’s resources and assets
  6. I will protect the confidentiality of IMPACT’s information and data
  7. I will report any incident or concern relating to this Code

This Code of Conduct is binding on all IMPACT staff, including IMPACT employees, volunteers, interns and freelance consultants, both international and national, whether they are based in IMPACT headquarters or in the field, who have to sign the Code, as well as fully understand its content, adhere to all of its provisions, inform and report, while creating a working environment conducive to upholding the standards in the Code of Conduct.


  • IMPACT’s Anti-Fraud, Bribery & Corruption Policy: IMPACT has a no tolerance approach towards corruption and is committed to respecting the highest standards in terms of efficiency, responsibility and transparency in its activities.
  • IMPACT’s Anti-Terrorism and Anti-Money Laundering Policy: With its Anti-Terrorism Policy, IMPACT reasserts its commitment to never knowingly support, tolerate or encourage terrorism or the activities of those who embrace terrorism.
  • IMPACT’s Child Protection Policy: As an NGO operating in numerous countries, IMPACT commits to safeguarding children from harm within internal procedure, throughout all activities and particularly in the implementation of Child Protection programming and child protection mainstreaming within all sectors of intervention.
  • IMPACT’s Conflict of Interest Prevention Policy: To ensure the most efficient, responsible and transparent delivery of aid, IMPACT, its staff and partners commit to preventing their private interests conflicting with their duties.
  • IMPACT’s Data Protection Policy: IMPACT’s Data Protection Policy controls how personal information can be used and shared, as well as ensures the protection and confidentiality of personal data as well as sensitive data.
  • IMPACT’s Grievance Policy: IMPACT’s Grievance Policy provides and internal framework for professional grievances raised by staff through internal dedicated channels of reporting, and a proper response mechanism and follow-up.
  • IMPACT’s Policy Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: IMPACT adopts a zero tolerance approach towards sexual exploitation and abuse, and is thus committed to their prevention both within the organisation and within the framework of its programmes and beneficiary populations.
  • IMPACT’s Environmental Safeguarding Policy: As a humanitarian and development organisation, IMPACT recognizes that the environment is intrinsic to sustainable development and that climate change threatens the access of beneficiaries and communities to food, water and livelihoods. IMPACT is committed to the promotion of a 3Zero world: zero exclusion, zero carbon, zero poverty.

Complaints and Response Mechanisms

IMPACT is committed to upholding integrity, transparency, and fairness in line with our core values. All employees are required to sign and adhere to IMPACT’s Code of Conduct and organisational policies upon joining the organization, which sets the highest standards for behavior. 

However, if concerns arise, it is crucial that we are informed promptly so we can assess the situation and take necessary action. We rely on our staff, project participants, partners, consultants, and suppliers to raise any concerns they may have. This allows us to address issues swiftly and ensure accountability for any misconduct or wrongdoing. 

To support this, IMPACT has established four Complaints and Reporting Mechanisms aimed at collecting and addressing concerns, issues, or questions related to the application of IMPACT’s Code of Conduct and organizational policies. These mechanisms, which are streamlined throughout IMPACT, ensure effective multi-channel communication within our teams as well as with partners, stakeholders, beneficiaries, and surrounding communities. IMPACT’s Complaints and Reporting Mechanisms operate both globally and at the country level, focusing on facilitating confidential reporting and swift action. 

IMPACT Complaints and Reporting Mechanisms are both global and country-based. They focus on:

    IMPACT has adopted a participatory approach with the desire to promote and ensure transparency within the organisation. A dedicated Transparency mechanism is in place to raise corruption issues. In case of suspicion of misuse of resources, fraud or bribery, please reach out to us via, an email with full details should be sent to [email protected] which is managed by the Transparency Focal Point at IMPACT HQ level to decide upon the investigations to be conducted.
    IMPACT beneficiary Complaints and Response Mechanism is in place for the population IMPACT surveys to raise concerns and give feedback on activities, staff, partners. This CRM is set up in country in collaboration with IMPACT’s host organisation in a given country. All complaints are welcome and addressed as quickly as possible. Such a mechanisms allows IMPACT for more relevance, impact and do no harm in its activities, while improving the quality of our work, enhancing the trust and confidence of our beneficiaries, identifying areas of our work which need to be improved, and ensuring experience and best practice learning.
  3. SECURITY AND SAFETY (internal)
    Safety and security management aims to reduce personal and organisational vulnerability to risks. Reducing staff exposure to risk and IMPACT’s organisational risks requires a keen understanding of the context and adapting to situations. Efficient security policies, procedures and day-to-day management rely on accurate and timely information that include the reporting of all security and safety incidents occurring through the Security Incident Report. Any incident witnessed or heard by our staff and which may have potential implications to the overall security situation is reported using the dedicated reporting mechanism, that not only allows swift and adapted response, but also to identify trends and futures risks for preventive and mitigation measures and changes in security protocols to be made.
    IMPACT provides a framework for professional grievances raised by staff through internal dedicated channels of reporting grievances and misbehaviors, ensuring a proper response mechanism and follow-up. In case you wish to contact us for grievances, send and email to [email protected]. If you prefer not to use the above mechanisms, you can report your concerns through our Online Report Form for Complaints, which also allows for anonymous submissions if desired. Please refer to the details provided in the form, available HERE.