IMPACT Code of Conduct is core to the organisation, its team, operations and management. The Code of Conduct provides clear guidance on the standards of behaviour and conduct all staff are required to abide by. Those standards are as follows:
This Code of Conduct is binding on all IMPACT staff, including IMPACT employees, volunteers, interns and freelance consultants, both international and national, whether they are based in IMPACT headquarters or in the field, who have to sign the Code, as well as fully understand its content, adhere to all of its provisions, inform and report, while creating a working environment conducive to upholding the standards in the Code of Conduct.
IMPACT has four Complaints and Reporting Mechanisms aimed at collecting and answering any concerns, issues or questions arising on the application of IMPACT’s Code of Conduct and organisational policies. These mechanisms streamlined throughout IMPACT are means of ensuring effective multi-channel communications within IMPACT teams as well as with partners, stakeholders, beneficiaries and surrounding communities.
IMPACT Complaints and Reporting Mechanisms are both global and country-based. They focus on: