Since 2012, Niger has been characterized by several – at times overlapping – crises. Structurally underdeveloped with the world’s highest birth rate per woman, the country has been heavily impacted by conflict and population displacement on its borders with Mali, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, and Chad.
The combination of instability and structural barriers has strained an already fragile humanitarian situation, and the country remains prone to severe food crises resulting in food insecurity and malnutrition. Moreover, at the frontline of climate change, Niger has also been facing frequent heavy rainfall and flooding, provoking massive displacements in several areas of the country and impacting farming production.
In addition to natural hazards, the rapid demographic growth coupled with increased land silting in the southern part of Niger has increased conflicts around land access between herders and farmers, especially in southern Niger.
IMPACT was first deployed to Niger in 2012 when worsening violence in the north of Mali led Malian refugees and Nigerien IDPs to flee to the Tillaberi region in western Niger. Through its REACH initiative and in close cooperation with UNHCR, IMPACT launched mapping programs in the three camps hosting displaced populations. Subsequently, REACH operations expanded to the south-eastern Diffa region. In addition, REACH has conducted assessments on migrants transiting through Niger towards North Africa and Europe. IMPACT has also played a key role in the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) consortium in Niger by providing Information Management Support. IMPACT has also built sectoral expertise (CVA, WASH, Food Security, AAP and protection), through thematic assessments, in collaboration with key humanitarian partners.
- AGORA, an ACTED and IMPACT joint initiative, has been present in Niger since 2017, carrying out its activities in the Diffa and Tillaberi regions. In active collaboration with the Nexus actors in Niger, IMPACT has been promoting the stabilization of fragile crisis-affected areas by strengthening local crisis response capacities and enabling inclusive recovery efforts, supporting efficient and inclusive area-based planning.
- Given the fragile context and the impact of insecurity and frequent mass displacements on communities in the “Three Border” region (between Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger), IMPACT has been conducting, since 2019, Humanitarian Situation Monitoring (HSM) to provide regular insights for other humanitarian actors into the evolving needs of the affected populations.
- Since 2020, IMPACT has been producing the Multi-Sector Needs Assessment (MSNA) yearly in coordination with the country’s humanitarian actors and thematic clusters. This assessment provides a detailed and comprehensive (country-wide) picture with regards to the humanitarian needs per sector and informs the country’s Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP).
- IMPACT is monitoring non-food items prices in Niger markets and conducting an in-depth socio-economic mapping of IDP-hosting localities in Tillaberi, Tahoua and Diffa.
- Since 2021, IMPACT has been supporting UN actors and funding agencies through regional and local sectoral assessments and strengthening the capacities of local actors such as the Ministry of Education in Niger.