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Ukraine | Infrastructures damage impacts availability and accessibility of essential services
Ukraine | Infrastructures damage impacts availability and accessibility of essential services

Country news

Ukraine | Infrastructures damage impacts availability and accessibility of essential services

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has resulted in extensive damage to the built environment, including housing, public services, and critical infrastructure. This widespread destruction is impacting the availability and accessibility of essential services, influencing displacement dynamics, and affecting livelihoods throughout the country. Here are the key take-aways from our Damage Impact Analysis Report conducted by […]

Niger: Emergency schooling requires urgent improvements for the provision of quality education
Niger: Emergency schooling requires urgent improvements for the provision of quality education

Country news

Niger: Emergency schooling requires urgent improvements for the provision of quality education

Since 2013, conflict and resulting insecurity have led to massive population displacement in Niger’s south-eastern Diffa region. More than 235,000 were reportedly displaced at the end of 2017, including refugees from Nigeria and internally displaced populations. According to the Direction Régionale de l’Education Primaire (DREP), in 2015, more than 12,000 children had to be withdrawn […]