Country Overview

Country Overview

Multiple waves of displacement have taken place in the Central African Republic (CAR) since 2005 as a result of conflict and widespread violence. During the past years, the humanitarian situation has seen a further deterioration following an intensification in the political and military crisis. Displacement has increased, and as of 2017, nearly 1.25 million people have been forced to flee their homes.

The lack of reliable and up to date information on displacement is one of the main challenge the humanitarian community is facing in CAR. IMPACT operates in CAR through REACH and has been present in the country since 2015. REACH works to fill information gaps by supporting the UN-led Rapid Response Mechanism and by providing information through multi-sector needs assessments on humanitarian needs. In 2017, AGORA was also deployed to Bangui to support area-based planning and response and strengthen coordination between international and local actors in the city.
