REACH’s Emergency Situation Overview in South Sudan was cited in The New Humanitarian article on Urgent help needed for stranded South Sudanese returnees. An estimated 20% to 30% of those...
REACH’s Novokakhovka emergency dam breach brief, was cited a REUTERS article”Mapping the damage from the Nova Kakhovka dam collapse” 8 June, 2023
REACH’s Cold Spot Risk Assessment data and analysis was cited in The Guardian article on winter in Ukraine. Areas in Dnipro, Donetsk and Kharkiv are particularly vulnerable, according to research...
REACH’s whole of Afghanistan 2022 presentation was cited in an NPR article on child labour in Afghanistan. While it’s unclear how many children currently work in Afghanistan’s mining industry, what...
Environmental damage from the 8-month-old war with Russia is mounting in more of the country, with experts warning of long-term consequences. Moscow’s attacks on fuel depots have released toxins into...
According to the European Commission, about 17.7 million Ukrainians will need humanitarian aid by the end of the year.
The highly contagious disease has spread quickly in the country’s north, where millions of people displaced by a decade-long war are living, and many rely on untreated water from rivers...
With international monitoring and more trust in Afghanistan’s central bank, there is a path forward.
A year and a half after the ceasefire, the country is blocked, again divided between Marshal Haftar’s camp in the east and the UN-recognized government in the west. Political instability...
In a new escalation in Syria’s civil war, military operations were launched in northern Syria near the border. Here’s what you need to know about the many actors in the...
Fires have laid waste to entire fields before the harvest season, destroying essentials crops such as wheat and barley. Agriculture is being destroyed across Syria, some of the heaviest losses...
The UN says a total of 51 medical facilities – such as hospitals, ambulance points and clinics – have been damaged as a result of attacks since the offensive began....
Un sentiment d’exclusion basé sur des faits réels. Le groupe de recherche Impact-Initiatives, basé à Genève, a publié en mai 2019 un rapport très détaillé qui pointe les lacunes dans...
According to recent data from REACH, a humanitarian research initiative, more than half of people recorded as coming back from Sudan through Renk in Upper Nile went to live in...
In South Sudan aid groups have started pushing for a more evidence-based response. Here’s what IOM, REACH, and other experts say are the ingredients for successful collection and use of...
Having operated in the country since 2012, REACH collects multisector data focused on populations’ needs and movement dynamics, among other factors. In 2016, as a response to the deteriorating situation...
“With the harvest season approaching, this will have a huge impact on this year’s crop yield in northwest Syria,” said Nanki Chawla, Syria country coordinator for REACH.
An assessment by the humanitarian research group REACH in the partly rebel-held provinces anticipates that figure will swell to 450,000 by the end of the month, with “long-term consequences for...
A recent survey by REACH, a UN-backed initiative for humanitarian reporting, cites local estimates that the southern part of the opposition-controlled enclave may hold as many as 620,000 inhabitants, 140,000...
About 120,000 people are displaced and living in the largest camps across northeastern Syria, which is controlled by US-backed Kurdish forces, according to an estimate from humanitarian data initiative REACH.
Views of Somalis currently living in the camps were gauged in a survey newly released by the Norwegian Refugee Council, along with a UN-related organisation known as REACH.
REACH said in a report that there are restrictions on freedom of movement in Derna, saying that most of the displaced people had used their own resources to find adequate...
REACH’s work in Ukraine featured in a map by Le Monde
Nearly 2 million Iraqis are still displaced by the fight against IS, according to a survey by REACH, a non-governmental organisation.
Siirtolaisten tilanne Libyassa ei ole kuitenkaan vuodessa helpottunut, kertoo siirtolaisuustutkija Diana Ihring humanitaarista tietoa tuottavasta tutkimusjärjestöstä REACH:stä.
“IDPs are being displaced into already over-stretched camps, informal settlements, and host communities,” Nanki Chawla, Syria assessment manager at the UN-backed research initiative REACH, told IRIN.
REACH’s Gap Analysis factsheet for Bidi Bidi settlement featured in the See the ingenious toys made by refugee children piece by National Geographic These kids would have been the first...
As REACH reported, IDPs in north-eastern Nigeria were critical of their high dependency on humanitarian aid
The military’s response rapidly escalated into a crackdown. By the end of October, over 700,000 Rohingya had fled Rakhine. REACH arrived in Cox’s Bazar in September, less than a month...
Humanitarian access remains severely constrained in many of the most at-risk areas of South Sudan. Given this difficult operating environment, and with an eye on the 2018 lean season –...
While the liquidity crisis in Libya has affected the entire population, the researchers found that the situation has affected migrants and refugees more so than natives.
Depuis le début de la guerre, Idlib fait office de réservoir du régime pour drainer des populations irréconciliables et hostiles.
Während das Zentrum der syrischen Hauptstadt kaum in Mitleidenschaft gezogen wurde zeigen sich schwere Zerstörungen in den Vororten, die von Rebellen gehalten wurden.
Scattered across the strategically crucial northwestern province of Idlib, around 1.4 million displaced civilians are currently hunkered down in anticipation of a massive pro-government assault that is widely expected to...
The work of REACH highlighted in a blog post of the START Network. More context analysis and informed decision making With the MERF covering some difficult contexts, such as Algeria...
A recent report by the research initiative REACH found that, since the beginning of 2017, there has been a diversification of the routes that people take to arrive in Libya.
In many cases, information from the REACH project is the best information there is on the conditions of populations on the move, but this is qualitative information that is difficult...
In a recent study conducted by REACH in Libya, we found a nuanced picture of the impact of EU migration measures on the migration routes and trends.
It’s a race against time. There is no workable evacuation plan. If the refugees can’t move to safer ground, aid groups say, thousands may die from floods, landslides and disease.
Aid groups have set up makeshift “learning centres” in Bangladeshi camps, but Rohingya parents say proper schools are needed
Migration policies implemented by the EU in Libya since the beginning of 2017 have led to an increase in trafficking routes to the country and inside of it, a new...
Le politiche migratorie attuate dall’Unione Europea in Libia dall’inizio del 2017 hanno prodotto un aumento nel numero delle reti di trafficanti in Libia e nel Mediterraneo.
REACH’s Mixed migration routes and dynamics in Libya Report in Politiche Ue portato ‘aumentorottetrafficanti Libia’ in Ansa Med 23 May 2018
Syria’s capital, Damascus, is on the verge of falling after a six-week-long government offensive that has reportedly killed more than 1,700 civilians.
75% of the Rohingya refugees who fled during the latest crisis arrived in September 2017. Although the rate of arrival has significantly decreased, the steady inflow has created the world’s...
REACH’s work in Ukrine in Что беспокоит Донбасс: озвучены данные инициативы REACH in Donbass UA 17 March 2018
REACH’s Kabul Informal Settlement Profiling in Pressure builds in ‘powderkeg’ Kabul as refugees return home in The Guardian Unlike the optimistic vigour of Shukour and his neighbours, the inhabitants of the Charahi Qambar camp...
La Ghouta orientale, un jardin d’éden devenu cauchemar d’un peuple
Understanding the complexities of food security analysis in South Sudan, where more than seven million people are at risk of starvation.
What does emerge is that the armed opposition groups in Eastern Ghouta as well as the government have been stopping people leaving. This is confirmed by a UN-backed report called...
REACH’s Eastern Ghouta Situation Overview, Rural Damascus, Syria – January 2018 in Understanding Eastern Ghouta in Syria in IRIN News Recent World Food Programme reporting indicates that prices in the enclave have grown by 140...
More than 335 have been killed in Syrian rebel enclave, with 13 civilians dying in latest strikes
But last year, the government closed many tunnels and limited trade. From September until the end of November, no commercial vehicles were permitted to enter the Eastern Ghouta at all, according...
A new report released Friday details the “critical” humanitarian risks facing those in Eastern Ghouta, as civilians say they are at breaking point after the latest wave of fierce airstrikes...
Près de 34 000 mineurs non accompagnés sont arrivés, l’an dernier, en Europe. Originaires du Proche-Orient et d’Afrique, ils sont prêts à tout pour quitter leur pays.
Selon le réseau Reach, la majorité des jeunes migrants ont pris leur décision seuls, pour fuir des violences et avec l’objectif initial de rejoindre un pays voisin.
“We found that people’s awareness of policies affecting migration – such as who is eligible for family reunification – was relatively high, but that their understanding of how these policies worked...
Aleppo was once a place of culture and commerce, with a jewel of an old city that was on Unesco’s list of world heritage sites.