The latest Cross-Cutting Needs Assessment (CCNA) for Iraq, conducted by IMPACT via its initiative REACH, reveals that the country continues to face significant challenges in stabilizing and rehabilitating areas affected by conflict. Despite the cessation of large-scale conflict in 2017, 1.1 million people remain displaced, with 41% of households lacking valid land tenure documentation, particularly among in-camp populations where the figure rises to 70%.
The assessment also indicates positive developments, with 98.5% of households reporting acceptable Food Consumption Scores (FCS), a marked improvement from previous years. However, significant gaps remain in areas like infrastructure rehabilitation and livelihood opportunities, which are critical for supporting the ongoing transition from humanitarian aid to sustainable development.
Key findings include:
- 41% of households lack valid documentation for land tenure or rental agreements, hindering recovery efforts.
- 98.5% of households report acceptable FCS, yet economic resilience remains fragile, particularly in in-camp settings.
- Social tensions and political instability continue to complicate efforts to provide durable solutions for displaced populations.
For a detailed analysis, access the full transition brief here.