Country Overview

Country Overview

The Democratic Republic of Congo has been plagued by a complex humanitarian crisis marked by localized violence and ethnic conflict for decades. These dynamics have been amplified by widespread health issues, such as recent Ebola outbreaks. In 2019, the Humanitarian Response Plan for the Democratic Republic of the Congo stated that an estimate of 12.8 million people were in need of humanitarian assistance − approximately 13% of the country’s population.

Due to this volatile situation and the need to launch adapted responses as quickly as possible IMPACT, through its initiative REACH and partner ACTED, is supporting humanitarian actors in strengthen assessment activities and implementation. IMPACT has also provided critical humanitarian information to aid actors and response planners since first deployed to the country.

Crisis Insights: Displacement crisis, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo – May 2024

The displacement crisis in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is rapidly worsening, exacerbating existing vulnerabilities in a region already beset by severe and persistent needs. Our research highlights the urgent need for food assistance, the rising risk of gender-based violence (GBV) among internally displaced persons (IDPs), and the critical need for long-term solutions to support livelihoods and resilience.  

  • The rapid increase in the number of displaced persons in Goma is significantly worsening the humanitarian outlook in North Kivu. Beyond the overarching need to restore security and stability in the DRC, a majority of affected people in North Kivu report a need for food assistance, while also citing  livelihoods or employment support as a key priority. (source – REACH,  2023 EFSA/MSNA analysis, as reported in the May 2024 advocacy brief). 
  • At a time when the humanitarian situation shows no sign of significant improvement, a potential decrease in funding for the response in DRC may lead to further erosion of trust between communities and response actors.(source – REACH, May 2024 advocacy brief). 

Community voices from DRC

Community members in North Kivu are expressing a desperate need for food and stable employment. ‘We need food now, but we also need jobs to sustain our families in the long term,’ says a local resident from Goma.
